Butt Gun's Sanitary Solution

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10 Reasons Why YOU Need a Butt Gun

#1 You’ll use less toilet paper.  Our family used to go through toilet paper like it was going out of style, but since putting bidets in both bathrooms, we’ve cut toilet paper use in half or even a third of what we used to use. 

When you poop, you rinse everything off with the bidet and then only need one wipe.  You will be amazed at how clean you feel after washing everything off with the bidet. 

#2 No need to buy Flushable Wipes!  Nowadays it’s very popular to buy those “flushable” wipes to get yourself extra clean.  But, they are destroying the city plumbing because they are not as degradable as they lead you to believe.  They are no good for the environment. 

My teens loved using flushable wipes to feel extra clean after using the bathroom.  But, now that they have a bidet in their bathroom, the wipes are not even missed.  

#3 Less Clogging.  Using straight water to clean your tush means less toilet paper and no more flushable wipes, your toilets will not clog nearly as much as they did.  

#4 Feel Cleaner – Do you ever leave the bathroom and just don’t feel clean? A bidet makes you feel fresh every tim. Even when you’ve been sick and had a bad case of diarrhea, you’ll walk out of the bathroom feeling like you are completely clean. 

#5 Hemorrhoids – It can be very painful to keep hemorrhoids clean.  Bidets help with hemorrhoids by keeping the anal area much cleaner than toilet paper ever could, and in a much gentler way. 

#6 Not so Fresh Feeling – Do you ever have that no so fresh feeling? Maybe you had surgery and can’t take a shower or bath? You might not have had time for a shower or maybe you and your partner were intimate.  A bidet is an easy solution. It cleans everything so you feel fresh, and it helps remove any odors you’re worried about. 

#7 Sitz Baths – If you are a new mom, you know what I’m talking about.  They usually give you a little squirt bottle in the hospital and you have to fill it with water and clean yourself every time you go until you heal.  And, this can last a long time. 

With a bidet, you can easily and automatically give yourself a sitz bath with the turn of a switch.  No more having to find that bottle or remember to fill it up.  

#8 Menstrual Periods – The older you get, the heavier they tend to be.  So by the time you’ve had a couple of babies, you just want a shower to clean everything up down there after even one day of bleeding.  Heavy periods are the pits, and you just never feel clean during one. 

I discovered a bidet was the perfect solution.  Every time you use the bathroom,  you can wash off everything and feel clean when you switch tampons or pads. 

#9  Potty training.  Your little ones will want to use the big potty and experience the bidet for themselves.  The bidet is one thing that makes using the big potty so exciting for my 2 year old, who is currently in the middle of potty training. 

She potties and then tells me she needs a cleaning.  Then, we turn on the water and she loves it. 

#10 Independence.  This is true for both little kids and for elderly or disabled people.  The bidet has a knob on the side of the toilet that you easily turn on and off. 

My kids can do it by themselves and don’t need me to come help clean them up after a poop like they did before we had a bidet. People with mobility issues can have difficulty getting themselves clean after pooping, and a bidet makes it so much easier to keep themselves clean when they have difficultly reaching to wipe. 

Americans use about 34 million rolls of toilet paper a day. Investing in a Butt Gun can significantly lower your spending on toilet paper.

Are Butt Gun Better for You Than Toilet Paper?

I fact checked these claims with Dr. John Swartzberg, a clinical professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, who evaluated the peer-reviewed literature on bidets for an article in the Berkeley Wellness Letter. (I asked him how many people come to him for medical advice on using a bidet. “You are the first person,” he said.) Although there is some support for some of the claims, ultimately, you likely shouldn’t turn to a bidet to improve medical issues.

It seems logical that a bidet would make you cleaner than toilet paper. They certainly made me feel cleaner. But there’s no hard evidence, no peer-reviewed papers, and nothing that proves bidets actually reduce the amount of fecal matter on your bottom better than toilet paper alone, or make it any less germy, according to Dr. Swartzberg. I personally found that how clean you get will vary based on whether you use it in combination with toilet paper—I found myself using a couple squares to get totally clean after rinsing off with a bidet. Never fear: Your butt is probably fine with whatever level of microbes and poop it’s sporting now. We do not have some national health crisis in America where our butts are too dirty. “General germy stank” is not a real health problem. 


BUTT GUN Helps you save thousands of dollars over time on toilet paper consumption.